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footenotes Music is owned by Ken Foote, an experienced music educator, performer, clinician, and adjudicator. Ken lives in Conquerall Mills, Nova Scotia, Canada.

In addition to his musical interests, Ken has coached softball, soccer, and hockey at the high school and multiple community levels. He has completed over twenty courses with the Coaching Association of Canada and is a Support4Sport vip coach.

Ken holds a Bachelor of Music from Mount Allison University with a Certificate for Excellence in Performance, a Bachelor of Education from Mount Allison University, a Master of Education in curriculum from Saint Mary's University, a Master of Music in education from Boston University, and a Business Administration diploma with a concentration in accounting from the Nova Scotia Community College. He has completed post-graduate work through Acadia University, the University of Miami, and Villanova University.

Ken is currently a Doctor of Musical Arts candidate at Boston University.

Contact Ken

Music Education

This website is password protected and made available to my students. It includes performances by former students and materials I have purchased for student use.

Students may access the password protected materials by entering the user name and password through this Login link.

Percussion Resources

Rudimental Remedies | YouTube | Rudiments  
Vic Firth | Rudiments  

Annapolis Community BandFest 2022

Here is a link to my Annapolis Community BandFest 2022 page.